The next chapter in the groundbreaking real-time strategy franchise from critically acclaimed studio Relic Entertainment. This standalone game features two unique armies with full length campaigns. Players will experience fast-paced dynamic tactics like never before, in two of the most brutal World War II campaigns ever fought.Take command of the tenacious British 2nd Army in the vicious battle for Caen, France, or lead the German Panzer Elite as they struggle to repel the largest airborne invasion in history.With two intensely cinematic campaigns, mission persistence, improved vehicle AI and weather effects that directly impact the battlefield, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts supports DirectX 10 and is fully compatible with the original Company of Heroes. Battle online with these two all-new armies and a total of four playable armies - allowing players to wage the ultimate war for Fortress Europe. Dear Star Wars and Company of Heroes fans,Facing the common issues of all little modding teams, we've been lurking in the shadow for a bit too long.
Advised that we give some insights into our - even minimalistic - progress, here is a little something to break the silence.First thing first, life signs! We are not dead, still breathing, and hopefully summer brings a little extra time for us. Members have been struggling between university, finals, thesis and new PCs to re-setup. You get the picture. To brighten it up a little, here are some news.FIXING THE 'SITTING DUCK' AIIt's been a struggle, this being completely new to me, but we've got a working AI. Picture above shows a Hard CPU in high resources start capping all the map within the first few minutes of the game.As expected, it's only a temporary solution that will most likely break when we get to the point of adding base building and the rest of the gameplay. But for now, it will do the job.
This AI behaves normally, but do not expect it to be smart: subtle Doctrine gameplay is not there yet. Human opponents are still be highly advised for the full experience.DESIGNING A SQUAD - REBEL MILITIAMENIn the following section I will try to share with you some game-design thoughts.
I expect feedback of any kind, including whether this kind of format interests you, and if you would like to see more of these as Dev Diaries.(Everything displayed is subject to change (esp. Upgrades and abilities costs)So, while planning Alpha 0.1, many things need to be seriously, to even completely reworked. Here I chose to focus on the Rebel Militia Fireteam because it embodies both some new features and ideas that are peculiar to the mod.So here is the complete redesign of Alpha 0's 'Rebel Weapon Team' (originally equipped with a DLT-19 heavy blaster). This 4-soldiers squad now fits a much deeper and more interesting role than a simple MG team, granting the player a more natural alternative to the Rebel Smugglers as an early rifle squad.
Rebels have had that issue that there was no clear definite riflemen squads in early game. Smugglers were supposed to fit that role but it didn't feel natural considering their engineering purpose.CAREFUL PROGRESSIONThe new Militia FIreteam thus fills that gap. And it gets nice features to make it good. First and foremost, a brand new, complex ability called Careful Progression. What it does: the squad switches to a slow pace, so careful not to use it anywhere.
The effects are various and depend on the active Warfare(s).Wait, what are Warfares? A feature peculiar to Rebel gameplay that we have not expanded upon a lot. Basically, they are passive bonuses tied to the Doctrine you choose. Obviously, with only one Doctrine available as of now, it's far from its full potential. But as we keep adding features to the game, it will become an important part of rebel gameplay.The key point is that as long as you do not choose a Doctrine, all Warfares are active simultaneously.
This means extra benefits for waiting. Notice how the description changes to fit the current selected WarfareWhat are these bonus to the shooting skills?. When moving, the squad fires a lot faster and with extra punch (although it loses accuracy).
Scary at close range!. When static and under cover, the squad takes a bit more time to aim but lands extra accurate shots.As you can see, Careful Progression is a complex modular ability which gives quite an edge to a well-used Militia Fireteam.WEAPONSNow that we've got that part covered, what about their weaponry? Militia Fireteam come with 3 DH-17 light blasters, and 1 A-280 assault blaster. This means they effectively pack more firepower than Smugglers (just 4 DH-17), without having the super-early suppression ability of the original DLT-19 setup.But what about these two upgrades icons you spotted? (Yes they are placeholders for now don't worry) Well here's some material to specialize this squad into a specific support team.
Two available upgrades: DLT-19 Heavy Blaster, and RPS-6 Missile Launcher. Mutually exclusive: you choose between a suppression squad, or an explosive role.
Each heavy weapon comes with a special ability to replace Careful Progression.The DLT-19 is nothing new in itself. Choosing it turns the squad back into a suppressing MG role. Highest Rated (9 agree)This is more than Command & Conquer and Star Craft 'Get the resources, build a shit-load of units and steam-roll your enemy' style of game. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I do like to play a 15-20min game with no 'consequence' for loosing or wining, from time to time. But ever since Company Of Heroes came's just amazing This game is way more realistic and in-depth than any other WW2 RTS game out there.You have your account and as you play you get higher military rank andNov 21 2010 by P3ACE753.
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