Plaxis 2D 2010 11Plaxis 2D 2010Valrie BernhardtEvolutions from PLAXIS v8 to PLAXIS v9EvolutionsfromPLAXISv8toPLAXISv9 Staged construction settings still available after re-meshing HSM small strain stiffness Soil tests tool for the simulation of laboratory tests Parameter variation2Plaxis 2D 2010 2HS Small strain stiffness: new constitutive lawEvolutionsfromPLAXISv8toPLAXISv9HS Small strain stiffness: new constitutive law Takes into account the stiffness for very small strains, in unloading/reloading (elastic behaviour).
DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4) 6DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4)This example involves the dry construction of an excavation. The excavation is supported by concrete diaphragm walls. The walls are tied back by pre-stressed ground anchors. PLAXIS allows for a detailed modelling of this type of problem. It is demonstrated in this example how ground anchors are modelled and how pre-stressing is applied to the anchors. Moreover, the dry excavation involves a groundwater flow calculation to generate the new water pressure distribution.
This aspect of the analysis is explained in detail. 6.1INPUTThe excavation is 20 m wide and 10 m deep. 15 m long concrete diaphragm walls of 0.35 m thickness are used to retain the surrounding soil. Two rows of ground anchors are used at each wall to support the walls.
The upper anchor has a total length of 14.5 m and an inclination of 33.7° (2:3). The lower anchor is 10 m long and is installed at an angle of 45°. On the left side of the excavation a surface load of 10 kN/m2 is taken into account and on the right side a surface load of 5 kN/m2. 1022025 5 kPa10 kPa fillsand3Excavation levelground anchor7 5loamFigure 6.1 Excavation supported by tie back walls The relevant part of the soil consists of three distinct layers. From the ground surface to a depth of 3 m there is a fill of relatively loose fine sandy soil.
Underneath the fill, down to a minimum depth of 15 m, there is a more or less homogeneous layer consisting of dense well-graded sand. This layer is particular suitable for the installation of the ground anchors. In the initial situation there is a horizontal phreatic level at 3 m below the ground surface, (i.e.
At the base of the fill layer) Below the sand layer there is a loam layer, which extends to large depth.6-1TUTORIAL MANUALGeometry model The problem can be modelled with a geometry model of 80 m width and 20 m height. The proposed geometry model is given in Figure 6.2.
A ground anchor can be modelled by a combination of a node-to-node anchor and a geogrid (yellow line). The geogrid simulates the grout body whereas the node-to-node anchor simulates the anchor rod. In reality there is a complex three-dimensional state of stress around the grout body.
Although the precise stress state and interaction with the soil cannot be modelled with this 2D model, it is possible in this way to estimate the stress distribution, the deformations and the stability of the structure on a global level, assuming that the grout body does not slip relative to the soil. With this model it is certainly not possible to evaluate the pullout force of the ground anchor. The diaphragm walls are modelled as plates. The interfaces around the plates are used to model soil-structure interaction effects. They are extended under the wall for 1.0 m.
Interfaces should not be used around the geogrid that represent the grout body. Hint:In general, it is a good habit to extend interfaces around corners of structures to allow for sufficient freedom of deformation and to obtain a more accurate stress distribution. When doing so, make sure that the strength of the extended part of the interface is equal to the soil strength and that the interface does not influence the flow field, if applicable.The excavation is constructed in three excavation stages. The separation between the stages is modelled by geometry lines.
Create the basic geometry model as presented in Figure 6.2. The standard fixities can be used to generate the proper boundary conditions. 1813 Node-to-node anchor (21.0; 11.0)13(18.0; 9.0)(59.0; 11.0)(26.0; 9.0)(62.0; 9.0) (54.0; 9.0) (57.0; 6.0)(23.0; 6.0)4Geogrid(30.0; 4.0)(50.0; 4.0)4 3 5 5Figure 6.2 Geometry model of building pit6-2PLAXIS Version 8DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4)Material properties The soil consists of three distinct layers. Enter three data sets for soil & interfaces with the parameters given in Table 6.1. Hint:The extended part of an interface is not used for soil-structure interaction and should therefore have the same strength as the surrounding soil. This can be achieved with a strength reduction factor Rinter = 1.0, which is automatically adopted in the Rigid selection.
If necessary, a separate material data set must be created for the extended part of an interface. In addition, the extended part of an interface should not influence the flow field. This is achieved by deactivating the interface when generating the pore pressures.The properties of the concrete diaphragm wall are entered in a material set of the Plate type. The concrete has a Young's modulus of 35 GPa and the wall is 0.35 m thick. The properties are listed in Table 6.2. Soil and interface properties Parameter Material model Type of material behaviour Soil unit weight above p.l. Soil unit weight below p.l.
Horizontal permeability Vertical permeability Young's modulus Poisson's ratio Cohesion Friction angle Dilatancy angle Interface reduction factorName Model Type γunsat γsat kx ky Eref ν cref ϕ ψ RinterFill MC Drained 16 20 1.0 1.0 8000 0.30 1.0 30 0.0 0.65Sand MC Drained 17 20 0.5 0.5 30000 0.30 1.0 34 4.0 0.70Loam MC Drained 17 19 0.1 0.1 20000 0.33 8.0 29 0.0 RigidUnit kN/m3 kN/m3 m/day m/day kN/m2 kN/m2 ° ° -Table 6.2. Properties of the diaphragm wall (plate) Parameter Type of behaviour Normal stiffness Flexural rigidity Equivalent thicknessName Material type EA EI dValue Elastic 12⋅106 0.12⋅106 0.346Unit kN/m kNm2/m m6-3TUTORIAL MANUALParameter Weight Poisson's ratioName w νValue 8.3 0.15Unit kN/m/m -For the properties of the ground anchors, two material data sets are needed: One of the Anchor type and one of the Geogrid type. The Anchor data set contains the properties of the anchor rod and the Geogrid data set contains the properties of the grout body. The data are listed in Tables 6.3 and 6.4. Properties of the anchor rod (node-to-node anchor) Parameter Type of behaviour Normal stiffness Spacing out of plane Maximum forceName Material type EA Ls Fmax,comp Fmax,tensValue Elastic 2⋅105 2.5 1⋅1015 1⋅1015Unit kN m kN kNValue 1⋅105Unit kN/mTable 6.4. Property of the grout body (geogrid) Parameter Normal stiffnessName EAMesh generation For the generation of the mesh it is advisable to set the Global coarseness parameter to Medium. In addition, it is expected that stress concentrations will occur around the two grout bodies, and so a local refinement is proposed here.
Select the four geogrids simultaneously (use the key) and select Refine line from the Mesh menu. This process results in a mesh of approximately 590 elements.Initial conditions In the initial conditions, a water weight of 10 kN/m3 is entered.
The initial water pressures are generated on the basis of a horizontal general phreatic level at a level of y = 17 m (through points (0; 17.0) and (80.0; 17.0). Initially, all structural components are inactive. Hence, make sure that the plates, the node-to-node anchors and the geogrids are deactivated. The surface loads are also initially inactive. The initial stress field is generated by means of the K0-procedure using the default K0-values in all clusters.6-4PLAXIS Version 8DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4) 6.2CALCULATIONSThe calculation consists of six phases. In the first phase the walls are constructed and the surface loads are activated. In the second phase the first 3 m of the pit is excavated without connection of anchors to the wall.
At this depth the excavation remains dry. In the third phase the first anchor is installed and pre-stressed. The fourth phase involves further excavation to a depth of 7 m, including the de-watering of the excavation. This involves a groundwater flow analysis to calculate the new pore water distribution, which is a part of the definition of the third calculation phase.
In the fifth phase the second anchor is installed and pre-stressed and the sixth phase is a further excavation (and dewatering) of to the final depth of 10 m. All calculation phases are defined as Plastic calculations using Staged construction as Loading input and standard settings for all other parameters. The instructions given below are limited to a description of how the phases are defined within the Staged construction mode.Phase 1:.Activate the walls.Activate the surface loads and assign a load value. Enter a Y-value = –10 kPa for the load on the left side and –5 kPa for the load on the right side of the excavation.Phase 1Phase 2:.De-activate the upper cluster of the excavation.6-5TUTORIAL MANUALPhase 2Phase 3:.Activate the upper geogrids.Double click the upper node-to-node anchors. A node-to-node anchor properties window appears with the anchor pre-stress options. Select the Adjust pre-stress force box and enter a pre-stress force of 120 kN/m. Press to close the window.Phase 3 Hint:A pre-stress force is exactly matched at the end of a finished staged construction calculation and turned into an anchor force.
In successive calculation phases the force is considered to be just an anchor force and can therefore further increase or decrease, depending on the development of the surrounding stresses and forces.Phase 4:.6-6Deactivate the second cluster of the excavation.PLAXIS Version 8DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4)head=13mhead=17mhead=17mNow the boundary conditions for the groundwater flow calculation have to be entered. At the side boundaries, the groundwater head remains at a level of 17.0 m.
The bottom boundary of the problem should be closed. The flow of groundwater is triggered by the fact that the pit is pumped dry. At the bottom of the excavation the water pressure is zero, which means that the groundwater head is equal to the vertical level (head = 13.0 m).
This condition can be met drawing a new general phreatic level and performing a groundwater flow calculation. Activating the interfaces during the groundwater flow calculation prevents flow through the wall.Closed boundary Phase 4 In order to prescribe correctly these boundary conditions, follow these steps:.Click on the 'switch' to go to the water pressures mode.Select the Closed flow boundary button (black line) from the toolbar. Click on the lower left point of the geometry; proceed to the lower right point and click again.Click on the Selection button.The interfaces on both sides of the wall should be activated by default in the water pressures mode, marking them as impermeable. Clicking on an interface in the water pressures mode activates or deactivates the interface during groundwater calculations. An active interface is marked with an orange circle and is considered impermeable during groundwater calculations. Do not switch the interfaces below the walls to impermeable, those should remain permeable (inactive during the groundwater flow calculation).Click on the General phreatic level button and draw a new phreatic level. Start in (0.0; 17.0) and draw the phreatic level through (30.0; 13.0), (50.0; 13.0) and end in (80.0; 17.0).Click on the Generate water pressures button.
Select Groundwater calculation from the Generate by box and click to start the groundwater flow calculation (the Iterative procedure can remain at the Standard setting).6-7TUTORIAL MANUAL.After the groundwater calculation has finished, press the button in the calculation window. The window closes and the flow field is presented in the Output window. Hint:The results of a groundwater calculation can be viewed as Pore pressures, Flow field and Groundwater head. These options are available from the Stress menu.Figure 6.3 Active pore pressure contours resulting from groundwater calculation.Click on the button to return to the staged construction mode.Within the staged construction mode, click on the button to return to the Calculation program.Phase 5:.Activate the lower geogrids.Double click the lower node-to-node anchors.
In the Anchor window, select the Adjust pre-stress force box and enter a pre-stress force of 200 kN/m. Press to close the window.Phase 56-8PLAXIS Version 8DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4)Phase 6:.Click on the 'switch' to go to the water pressures mode.The boundary conditions were already defined in phase 3.
They are still valid for the current groundwater calculation. However it is now necessary to lower the water level within the excavation to the new construction depth. In order to do this, draw a new General phreatic level from (0.0; 17.0) through points (30.0; 10.0), (50.0; 10.0) and (80.0; 17.0). Click on the Generate water pressures button and select Groundwater flow from the Generate by box and click to start the groundwater flow calculation.After the groundwater calculation has finished, press the button in the calculation window and view the results in the Output window.
Click on the button to return to the staged construction mode.head=10mhead=17mDeactivate the third cluster of the excavation.head=17m.Closed boundary Phase 6 After all calculation phases have been defined, some points for load-displacement curves should be selected (for example the connection points of the ground anchors on the diaphragm wall). Start the calculation by clicking on the button. 6.3OUTPUTFigure 6.4 (a) to (e) show the deformed meshes at the end of calculation phases 2 to 6. In the final situation, the walls have moved about 8 cm forward. Behind the wall there is a small settlement trough.6-9TUTORIAL MANUAL(a) phase 2(b) phase 3(c) phase 4(d) phase 56-10PLAXIS Version 8DRY EXCAVATION USING A TIE BACK WALL (LESSON 4)(e) final stage Figure 6.4 Deformed mesh stages (a) to (e)Figure 6.5 Effective stresses, final stage Figure 6.5 shows the principal effective stresses in the final situation. The passive stress state beneath the bottom of the excavation is clearly visible.
It can also be seen that there are stress concentrations around the grout anchors. Figure 6.6 shows the bending moments in the left diaphragm wall in the final state. The two dips in the line of moments are caused by the anchor forces.
The anchor force can be viewed by double clicking on the anchor. When doing this for the results of the third and the fifth calculation phase, it can be checked that the anchor force is indeed equal to the specified pre-stress force.6-11TUTORIAL MANUALFigure 6.6 Bending moments in the left diaphragm wall in the final stage6-12PLAXIS Version 8.