3D Studio Max descriptionThe world's most widely used professional 3D modeling software.Createrich and complex design visualization. Generate realistic charactersfor a top-selling game. Bring 3D effects to the big screen.Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 3D modeling, animation, and rendering softwarehelps design visualization professionals, game developers, and visualeffects artists maximize their productivity by streamlining the processof working with complex scenes.Viewing and Handling of Large, Complex Scenes3ds Max 2009 software delivers new viewport technology andoptimizations that result in vastly improved interactivity of even thelargest, most complex scenes. Common tasks and operations—selection,material assignment, transform, grouping, cloning, and many more—arenow significantly faster, making 3ds Max 2009 the most streamlinedversion of the software ever. Plus, a new Scene Explorer makes managinglarge scenes—and interacting with hundreds or even thousands ofobjects—far more intuitive.Review RenderingProduce stunning photo-real imagery, faster.
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With the release of 3dsMax 2008, Autodesk unveils Review. This powerful new toolset supportsiterative rendering workflows by delivering interactive previewing ofshadows, the 3ds Max sun/sky environment, and mental ray Architecturaland Design material settings. Based on the latest game enginetechnology, Review gives you. The instant visual feedback you need to iterate rapidly.Support for Complex Pipelines and WorkflowsQuickly extend 3ds Max or streamline multi-application workflows.
Thenew MAXScript ProEditor provides you with an intuitive interface forworking with MAXScript that will streamline the scripting workflow,making it easier to author scripts that automate and customize 3ds Max.Deeper support for the DWG and FBX file formats results in faster, moreaccurate importing of data from other popular Autodesk applications;plus, new features facilitate working with this imported data.Artist-Friendly ModelingEnjoy a less menu-dependent modeling experience. What's New in This Release:InfoCenter CapabilityIn Autodesk 3ds Max 2009, you can access help viaAutodesk InfoCenter. InfoCenter lets you search for information throughkey words (or by entering a phrase), display the Communication Centerpanel for product updates and announcements, or display the Favoritespanel to access saved topics. In 3ds Max, InfoCenter appears on atoolbar. See Find the Information You Need for how to use InfoCenter;see also InfoCenter Toolbar ViewCube and SteeringWheels The new ViewCube makes it easy to use themouse to orbit viewports and jump quickly to a standard vieworientation such as Left or Top.
And the SteeringWheels give you handymouse-tip controls for zooming, panning, orbiting, and rewindingthrough a series of view changes. Both of these features will becomestandard across Autodesk's 3D products, providing users with aconsistent navigation experience even as they move amongapplications. Softpedia guarantees that Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 11.0 is 100% CLEAN, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.Thissoftware product was tested thoroughly and was found absolutely clean,therefore it can be installed with no concern by any computer user.However,it should be noted that this product will be retested periodically andthe award may be withdrawn, so you should check back on this page fromtime to time.
Allora anche la vecchia versione comprendeva:-styler (aggiunge il menu cartella explorer in stile vista)-visualtasktips (anteprima in miniatura sulla barra)e non ho mai avuto problemi di nessun tipo;)poi a parte ho provato:-Glass2K (per le trasparenze e trasparenza barra applicazioni) (mi dava fastidio e l'ho tolto, anche se non dava problemi)-thoosje sidebar (sidebar simil-vista) (carina ma mi occupava spazio nel desk per cui tolta anche lei)-winflip (finestre 3d) (abbastanza inutile e poco funzionale)- Madotate (finestre 3D) (carino ma le finestre si mettevano in modo casuale). Quando decomprimi il file scaricato, nella cartella CursorsAero devi cliccare col destro su install.inf e scegliere 'installa', ti crea in automatico i files che sevono in C:WINDOWSCursorsAero.Poi vai nelle impostazioni del mouse nel pannello di controllo di Win e selezioni Aero.I files contenuti nella cartella Themes devi invece copiarli a mano in C:WINDOWSResourcesThemessalvepotresti cortesemente dirmi tutti passagi per inserire il tema:rolleyes:grazienon sono molto smanettone.:D:D;).