Download FontDOWNLOADFONTInstructions1. Click on the Downloadbutton below.2.
Save the APS-C-DV-Prakashto any directory.3. Click the Start buttonand select Settings, Control Panel, Fonts.4. Click on File, InstallNew Font5. Select the the directorywhere you have saved the font file6.
Select the APS-C-DV-Prakashfont and click OK.7. This will install thefont for viewing the site. Exit the control panel.8. If you are unable to seethe site in Marathi you may need to restart the browser or rebootthe machine.9.
Fonts when displayed maysometimes appear jumbled in Internet Explorer 5 browser. To avoidthis, from the 'View' menu, select 'Encoding', user defined.10. The site comes with IE6,IE7,Mozilla2.X,Mozilla3.0 provided two conditions are met.a) Font Mangal need to be installed.b) Control PanelRegional and Language OptionsLanguagesInstall files for complex script and right-to-left languages(including Thai), need to be checked.It will ask for the XP Install disk,just give the drive and it will continue.