It is very important that all txt files sent to them in the file 'Softw - DarkMailer.Zip' Be original unzipped folder within the program, to avoid confusion. That is if the program folder on the desktop, and this folder is called 'DarkMailer' then we must create within the folder 'DarkMailer' a subfolder called 'lists', and unzip these files there.
The folder 'lists' would be replaced the following to the famous 'Data' folder of AMS used in previous shipments. In short, it should be thus Desktop / DarkMailer / Lists Then in the search dialog of the wizard will guide txt files to this folder, to show us all the files we have available. Before starting with the shipping, they will apply for performing only time a configuration change. This change is going to do as I said for the only time recently, and will allow us to automatically detect the DNS of the connection you are using and also configure an option that will allow us to pause shipments if the connection is dropped or disconnected, and take them up again if the same program achieved after several attempts to reconnect. For this, they must be facing the computer and ask assistance, MSN or by PHONE.