The Three Musketeers is a historical novel written By Alexandre Dumas. The son who appeared to listen to him with reverence. He must be the content of their conversation and listen. Nevertheless, D’Artagnan was keen to verify the appearance of this indescribable personality that ridiculed him. She sets her arrogant gaze on a stranger, and at the age of forty-five, one sees black and piercing eyes, pale complexion, a firm, well-marked nose, and a black and well-shaped bow.
He was a Violet with a doublet and a toe. Book Details:. Book Name: The Three Musketeers. Author:. Translated: Niyaz Morshed. Genre:,. Publisher: Ajkal Prokashoni.
Published: 2014. Total pages: 85. Category:. PDF Size: 04 Mb.