Finding a template for HP Procurve switches wasn’t that hard. I needed to find a template for HP Procurve 2510G switches. The place to look for templates is.
I searched the forums on the key word “procurve”, which resulted in many hits. I used the template from the article.After importing all template you have the ability to monitor the MAC count on the switch and the memory usage. You also have the option to monitor the CPU usage, but you have to do some extra configuration. The zip file only contains a data template for the HP switches, but no graph template. I created my own graph template by duplicating the Cisco CPU graph template and changed the data source to the HP data template.I changed the data source for the first 4 Items in the Graph Template to the HP procurve CPU data source. Next I created a device for the HP switches and added the appropriate “Associated Graph Templates” for HP procurve CPU, MAC count and memory usage.
Now you only need to create a graph for the template and you are set to go. A lot of customers have different methods for their IP address management. Most of them use some kind of static documentation, like an Excel sheet. In the past I implemented multiple times. I like this tool, because it dynamically scans multiple IP subnets, using ICMP and/or Nmap.
Another advantage of IPplan is its ability to perform hostname lookups.Often I install IPplan on an active management system, like CactiEZ. The following howto shows the steps to implement IPplan under CactiEZ.The first step is downloading the appropriate tar.gz file and extract his file in /var/www/html, like shown below.tar zxvf ipplan-4.92a.tar.gzNext I change the ownership and permissions of the ipplan directory.chown –R apache:apache ipplanchmod –R 750 ipplanAfter changing the permissions I create the necessary database for ipplan.mysql –u root –pmysql create database ipplan;This creates a database called ipplan. Now we need to create a user with the appropriate permissions for the ipplan database.mysql GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on ipplan. TO ipplan@localhost IDENTIFIED by ‘password’;You can change the value ‘password’ to a password you wish. Change the credentials, configured in the previous step, in the file called config.php.Open a web browser and point it to the installation script in the admin directory (You will be prompted to create the database schema.
The user created above does not have enough permissions to create tables so you will need to either copy the statements into the database, or temporarily change the database password in the config.php file to a database user that has enough rights to do this. You could be asked to enter user credentials for the website.
This user credentials can be found in config.php.I always load the statements by copying the display output from the install.php script into a file (ipplan.sql) and then executing the file using mysql statements.mysql –u root –p ipplan /ipplan/user/modifyarearange.php?cust=1. Show used subnets new subnets subnets IPplan poller needs to be added to the crontab configuration. The IPplan poller uses a custom file to know which IP addresses the scan. I normally create a.txt file. The following output show the syntax for the.txt file. configure the poller to run every day at 9, 12 and 15.
CSS to specify the layout of web pages3. JavaScript to program the behavior of web pagesWeb pages are not the only place where JavaScript is used.Many desktop and server programs use JavaScript. Node.js is the best known.Some databases, like MongoDB and CouchDB, also use JavaScript as their programming language. HTML to define the content of web pages2. If you try all the examples, you will learn a lot about JavaScript, in a very short time!Why Study JavaScript?JavaScript is one of the 3 languages all web developersmustlearn:1.
You can edit the crontab with the command:crontab –e# Crontab for IPplan poller0 9,12,15. php /var/www/html/ipplan/contrib/ipplan-poller.php -hostnames -c 1 -f /var/www/html/ipplan/4IP-Networks.txtThere is one last step to take. When you manually execute the command above, you will receive the following error message:Cannot find NMAP!The last step is to install NMAP and configure its location in config.php.
CactiEZ uses yum to install packages. So I use the following command to install nmap.yum install nmapNmap can be found in the directory /usr/bin/.
Look for the nmap section in config.php and change the nmap configuration to the following.//define(“NMAP”, ”);define(“NMAP”, ‘/usr/bin/nmap’);The rest of the configuration needs to be done through the web interface. My advise is to configure some user groups and users, before adding subnets to IPplan.
You can also change more settings in config.php to match it to your own environment, like the e-mailserver and helpdesk e-mail address.Sometimes you receive Fatal error: requireonce: Failed opening required ‘./adodb/’ message. I resolved this issue by changing line 42 & 43 in ipplan-poller.php from:requireonce(“./adodb/”);requireonce(“./config.php”);torequireonce(“/var/www/html/ipplan/adodb/”);requireonce(“/var/www/html/ipplan/config.php”);This should solve the problem. I played a little with Cacti today and installed the Plugin Architecture 2.1. While reading some forums a lot of people are talking about the Plugin Management functionality. I looked and searched in my complete Cacti installation, checked all the configurations which can be made, but I couldn’t find anything about Plugin Management.After some more searching on forums I found how to enable the Plugin Management.
When you download the Plugin Architecture ZIP file, the ZIP contains a file called pa.sql. This file needs to be imported into the Cacti database with the following command:mysql -u root -p cacti. A decent management server is very important in a network, at least that is my opinion. The most important aspect of a management server is its user friendliness. Our customers are most of the time busy with their own problems and the problems of end users, which include all kind of (silly) problems.
So the most of them don’t have a lot of time to spend on configuring a management server.That is why I like and especially. CactiEZ is a software appliance, which is up and running in half an hour. After that you just add some devices and you can generate some nice bandwidth statistics with the help of RRDTool. I have also seen a lot of other management servers, like Nagios, HP OpenView and Cisco Works, but the most of them are hard to configure and end up as mp3 player.When I configure a management server only for network components like switches, routers and/or firewalls, I always use CactiEZ. It is easy to install and gives me all the things I need. The most important options of Cacti for me are: bandwidth statistics, syslog messages, flow view, mac tracking, reporting and so one. Especially if you combine Cacti(EZ) with, you have a nice, easy to use and robust management server for your network.