Questions - Livewire - Products - New Wave Concepts LimitedLivewireEducationaleditionGeneralQ.How isLivewire different to Bright Spark? primarilyaimed at teaching electricity and basic electronicsto students who may not have any previous experienceof the subject. Bright Spark can be viewed asa junior version of Livewire,which is a more sophisticated circuit simulator.Q.Can Livewire generatea PCB layout?A.Yes. If you have, Livewire can convert a circuit diagraminto a PCB layout.Q.Can I use Livewirewith PCB Wizard 2?A.No. You will requirePCB Wizard 3.Q.I already use CrocodileClips and PCB Wizard 2. Why should I upgradetoLivewire and PCB Wizard 3?A.There’s more componentsto design with, better simulation accuracy, wiresthat don’t break when you move components, enhancedtranslation from circuit design to circuit boardand much improved component placement and automaticrouting.Q.What components doesLivewire support?A.Over 1500 analogue anddigital components are available. Clickfor a full list.Q.Can I add my own components?A.No. However, you canwhich componentsyou would like to see, so that we can consider addingthem to future versions of the software.Q.Do you plan to releasea Mac or Linux version?A.We currently have noplans to port Livewire to either the AppleOS X or Linux operating systems.TechnicalSupportFor all technical support questions,or if you need assistance with your software, pleasevisit our.Salesand LicensingQ.How much does Livewirecost?A.Click forour direct prices.
Alternatively, you can contactyour forprice information.Q.Will Livewire operateon my Windows® network?A.Yes. Livewire has beendesigned to work with Windows® compatiblenetworks. A multi-user (5 users or above) versionis required. Click formore detailed information.Q.How does your licensingwork?A.Single-user licenses allow the softwareto be installed and used on one computer. Multi-userlicenses allow the software to be installed andused on the number of computers specified by thelicense. Multi-user licenses also allow the softwareto be used on a network provided that the maximumnumber of concurrent users does not exceed thenumber of computers specified by the license.Q.We have a multi-user licenseof Livewire.
How do I control the numberof concurrent users on my network?A.Livewire has built-in concurrencycontrol to stop users accessing the software whenthe maximum number of licenses has been exceeded.When installing the software on a network, youshould visit toensure you have the last version.Q.How do I extend my multi-user(5 users or above) version of Livewire?A.for details and pricing. You can alsopurchase 5-user extension licenses from your.Q.I have had to reformat myhard disk and my unlock code no longer works.What should I do?A.Please click for all questionsrelating to registering and activating your software.Q.Can Livewirebe used at home by teachers?A.Yes. A teacher may useLivewire at home for educational purposes so longas the teacher is employed by a licensed institution.Q.Can Livewirebe used at home by students?A.Yes, we offer a lowcost Student / 1-User license of the software (see )that students can purchase for use at home.Q.Does the licensepermit use of Livewire on a portable computer?A.Only if the portablecomputer is owned by the licensee and is normallyused at the postal address of the licensee.Copyright © New Wave Concepts Limited.All rights reserved.
New Wave Concepts LimitedWelcome to New Wave Conceptsthe home of PCB Wizard, Livewire, Bright Spark, ControlStudio and Circuit Wizard.New Wave Concepts isa leading publisher of electronics CAD software for educationand industry.Used in thousands ofschools, collegesand businesses around the world, our products have asuperb reputation for technological excellence and innovation.Learn about our.Obtain an to activate yoursoftware.yourexisting software to the latest version.HighlightsFree trial software.