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DISCLAIMER: The procedures in the following article require access and edits to the windows registry. Any such edits are at your own risk and should only be attempted under the advisement and direction of your IT professional. If you are uncomfortable with executing the procedures below please seek assistance. It is advised to back up your registry and any valued data before making any changes to the system registry.
Javelin Technologies assumes no responsibility for any consequences, unintended or otherwise resulting from changes made to the system or the system registry.Depending on the SOLIDWORKS products that you have in your repertoire, it can become a bit of a chore to re-enter all of the 24-digit SOLIDWORKS serial numbers for each individual SOLIDWORKS product that you would like to install on your system.Reentry of your SOLIDWORKS serial numbers for a new installation is but a double-click awayif you have taken the appropriate steps beforehand. Chris has been educating and supporting Engineers, Designers and IT Personnel within the 3D CAD industry since 2002, and was adopted into the fantastic team of applications experts here at Javelin Technologies in early 2006. Chris enjoys the continuous learning driven by the ingenuity and challenges Designers bring forward. Innovation using 3D Printing, 3D CAD and other technologies, combined with a diverse background as a technologist, allows Chris to find solutions that accelerate Designers, and take Design Teams to new heights. Chris is currently being held at an undisclosed location, near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.