What food processor is used on food network. Contents OverviewThe Skill tree (located on the page) is a three row upgrading system that allows you to upgrade certain statistics of your ship.Things you can upgrade include shield power and health (blue, top), more loot or EP (purple, mid), or damage (red, bottom). How it WorksUpgrading a certain skill requires a research point (formerly called pilot point or PP). There are a total of 50 research points a player can have.Each skill has various levels you can upgrade and each point applied increases the bonus given by a certain amount. All of the skills require to upgrade the previous skill to upgrade the following one after. Additionally, there are certain skills when upgraded to the max level, give a certain visual upgrade that everyone can see.Research pointsare the only source of exchanging in large quantities to earn a single research point. Each Log-Disk costs 300 Uridium. Note that while you earn more research points, the cost of those points goes up due to the increasing requirement for Log-Disks each upgrade.
The first research point requires 30 log disks and each further research point requires 10% more log disks.The following shows how much Log-Disks you need to earn another Research Point. Resetting your skillsIf you decide to change your skill upgrades, you have the option to reset your current points applied for a fee of 1,000 the first time, which will then double each time thereafter. When pilot points are reset, you are refunded all your current points and can re-apply your skill upgrades, but be warned, the cost of refunding doubles each reset!