Quote: I am using a bafo BF-810 USB to Serial Converter for programming Atmega32 by ISP. I have tried using Pony Prog on 32-bit Win 7 system but it is too slow.If you are using the PonyProg 'RS232 adapter' dongle, it will never work fast.The 'adapter' will work reasonably well with a real RS232 port.With a 'RS232-USB' cable you can expect 30 minutes to flash a mega32.
It does not matter what USB drivers or operating system you are using.Of course a 'RS232-USB' cable works absolutely fine for any regular RS232 programmers like a STK500 or JTAGICEmkII.David. The bafo BF-810 USB to Serial Converter appears to use a PL2303 chip.IME, this just does not work at all with bit-bang RS232.
At least not with Windows XP.If you know that you have got a FTDI chip inside your RS232-USB cable, then you can apply all sorts of patches.The standard 'avrdude -c ponyser' wiggles the RTS for the SCK signal. Since you are only allowed one wiggle per USB packet, you are seriously restricted.Most punters do not know which chipset is being used in their RS232-USB cable. The BAFO website may provide drivers, but it does not tell you about PL2303.
Google told me that via a Linux forum posting.Incidentally, I have just ordered one of those cheapo eBay usbasp programmers from HongKong. USBasp works with pretty well everything, and at a reasonable speed too.After you did a fair amount of work getting FTDI patches, how long does it take to program a full 32kB AVR?David.
David.prentice wrote: Incidentally, I have just ordered one of those cheapo eBay usbasp programmers from HongKong. USBasp works with pretty well everything, and at a reasonable speed too.I helped a couple of people get those working. One of the guys shipped his USBasp to me. I had to use a paperclip across two pads to enable firmware upgrade mode. They forgot to drill and add header pins on the board he bought.Get the drivers from the USBasp site. You may need to upgrade the firmware, most seem outdated. Larry,My copy of avrdude does not have the '-c ftdi'.
No doubt future releases will have it as standard. I have no desire to re-build avrdude myself.The '-c ftdi' performance is impressive. It makes it practical to use. After all, anyone can live with 25 seconds.
Now try the same HEX file with '-c ponyser'.I note that your HEX file is called BootloaderCDC.hexIf it has sparse areas, avrdude will skip the programming of 0xFF into an erased flash.Yes, that is why I bought the Chinese usbasp. To see for myself what firmware is installed. The eBay adverts make various claims that I honestly do not believe.
AT89S8252I have written usbasp firmware that will program an AT89S8252, so I know it is quite possible. I want to see if or how well they do it.David. Eventually we will reach the tipping point where the 64 bit OS is mainstream. Right now most computers are still shipping with 4gb of ram or less (excluding servers, workstations and extreme gaming machines). At one time the lowest cost/byte was for the 1gb dimm sticks. Now it's the 2gb size sticks.
As soon as this shifts to the 4gb size sticks (most computers use two) you will see a mainstream shift to 64 bit OS's to make full use of the available memory. I'd say it's probably happening now, or will by the end of the year. If only I could! I need sharepoint services as a server (locally) to develop sharepoint integration solutions for the business (using the object model), I also have sql server running several instances for SSIS integration, and Visual studio (2 versions as packages are not compatible) plus, plus, plus.Being a M$ POC running M$ crapware, you'd not be surprised that I can run TWO SSIS ETL packages before the memory leak stops almost all response. That's why I need 16Gb and a eight core processor. Further, I'm subject to this POC every working day!It's a real pleasure to get home and work on my (MAC) equipment which boots up in less that 30 seconds, never crashes no matter how much I throw at it, has an intuitive interface and runs all my devices without complaint about unsigned drivers! On topic:If you are purchasing a programmer, I can recommend the AVRISP mkii - $30.
I have been using it on Windows 7, 64 bit for months, with absolutely no problems. The initial installation went smoothly, and I have had no issues since. Note, it has no debugging abilities.Off topic:There are plenty of uses for extra RAM.
Two I use on a daily basis:1. Handling large amounts of data in Matlab (must be 64 bit variant - the 'MAXVARIABLESIZE' is hard coded somewhere in the program).
When trying to analyze more than a few milliseconds of data sampled at 2.2GHz, you learn to appreciate the extra ram.2. Large, detailed CAD models made in SolidWorks and/or Autocad.
It renders much more quickly and allows one to utilize more portions of the tool easily, such as real-time rotation features.I think we all tend to view the world through the lens of how we operate; anything different seems totally alien and far-fetched.Personally, I prefer Windows operating systems, and have since 3.x. I think that NT was a pretty remarkable achievement (aside: good programmer's geek book: Show-Stopper by G. Pascal Zachary). Vista certainly has it's problems, but by far and away the largest issue was it was marketing/early release - not really engineering/software issues. I have been using Vista at home for quite some time without too much difficulty. That said, I think that Windows 7 is definitely a step up. I think that the indexing and search features in Windows 7 are very impressive.
I have used Linux/Unix, and they are very good in some respects and for some features, certainly better than Windows (DSL - D. Small Linux is great!). However, for sheer ease of use, I think that Windows is difficult to beat.
For example, trying to get a new piece of hardware to work on Linux can get very frustrating very quickly. I haven't really used many Apple products since the Apple II days. As an engineer, I have a difficult time supporting Steve Jobs after what he did to so many of his early engineering partners (all of the engineers who started w/ Gates ended up millionaires). Every OS has it's pros and cons.All that aside, I still don't get the frequent visceral reactions to Microsoft and Windows. If you don't like it, don't use it. Pretty simple.
If your employer uses it, come up w/ a proposal detailing the reasons why a switch to your preferred system is both economically and technically beneficial. I don't know many private companies that go out of their way to make things more difficult and more expensive. Windows often is the best alternative due to the array of support/outside software that operates on it. Whether this is due to it being a better OS or simply due to the fact that it has the largest userbase (and hence the most support) is irrelevant. Let's just say that M$ has used many of the business tactics that J.D.
Rockefeller would have been proud of.If nothing else, that has been what has turned a few people away from windows and into the arms of the Penguin.The infamous 'Blue Screen Of Death' has also done some damage to trust in the OS. Still XP was (for a while) a very good OS (it's very long in the tooth now and runs more spambots than applications these days) and '7' seems solid (once you get used to the new GUI, plus where the hell did hyperterm go?).
Each are entitled to an opinion, mine has been stated. Now yours has too.
I guess by user-base you are referring to the millions of unpaid beta testers Bills outfit employes rather than a decent team of test engineers:)Having spent millions on hardware / software / development kits and of course ridiculously priced licenses, I don't think I've much chance of turning them (my employer) away the POC now. On the plus side, the business is supported by IBM RS6000 Servers running 'my/our' software (the core processes of the business), which has been in development (legacy, now) for over twenty years. The M$ team have only been working to port a single application for three and a half years so far, so it's early days.I'm pretty sure they'll be able to release 'something' sooner or later! Karanbanthia wrote: People, my converter is working now, on 64-bit OS too!I just changed the USB port on which I was testing. It is now working on other USB ports on my laptop except on that one!But, point is, nothing goes wrong.
AVR dude works with this converter too.I have noticed in Windows Vista that the USB ports act as if they are independent entities (i.e., a driver for a web-cam automatically loaded via plug-n-play for one USB port is not used by a second port). Haven't seen that in Windows 7 yet.Never said the OS was w/o flaws. If it turns out this isn't a hw issue, it would be nice to see something like that fixed.