The Department of European and International Studies is committed to the interdisciplinary study of Europe in a global context. Our approach to the study of Europe in the world is holistic, including historical, political, economic, social, cultural, philosophical and anthropological aspects. EIS international studies research focuses on international political economy and foreign policy. Together, these overlapping research agendas, seek to achieve the strategic aim of becoming a leading centre for excellence in the study of crisis and limitations of European and global order.The Department is host to a cluster of internationally recognized specialists in International Political Economy. Their research interests include European political economy; the globalization of production; the political economy of finance and crisis, Latin America, East Asia, energy and migration.
Applications are invited for the PhD in International Political Economy to work with and under the supervision of these scholars. Course study environment.
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Before applying please consult the department's web pages to determine if we have a suitable research supervisor for your project. Candidates are strongly encouraged to approach potential supervisors informally with a research proposal and full CV before submitting a formal application.Admission to our research programmes will initially be for the MPhil but we expect students to transfer to the PhD after successfully passing an upgrading examination, which normally takes place after the end of the first year of registration for full-time students. Candidates should include two sealed academic references and a research proposal of between 2,000 and 2,500 words outlining their proposed research project with their application. No application will be considered without one.Candidates will be normally interviewed by two members of the department's staff, one of whom will be the prospective supervisor. Personal statement and supporting information. Applicants are encouraged to approach potential supervisors prior to application.
To identify a supervisor please see:You will be asked to submit the following documents in order for your application to be considered: IPE research checklist Research ProposalYesThe proposal (2,000 - 3,000 words in length) should explain in some detail precisely the field of study that you want to contribute to and current research gaps, what you want to do and how you propose to do it. For advice on how to write a winning application, please visit the.Previous Academic StudyYesA copy (or copies) of your official academic transcript(s), showing the subjects studied and marks obtained. If you have already completed your degree, copies of your official degree certificate will also be required. Applicants with academic documents issued in a language other than English, will need to submit both the original and official translation of their documents.ReferenceYesTwo references are required with at least one academic. Professional references will be accepted if you have completed your qualifications over five years ago.OtherOptionalApplicants may also wish to include a CV (Resume) or evidence of professional registration as part of their applicationCourse intake. The deadlines for applications are detailed below.
Please note that funding deadlines may be earlier. We will open applications for the corresponding intake in 2021 after the final deadline passes in 2020. January 2020 entry – 25 th October 2019 for International students and 2 nd December 2019 for Home/EU students. April 2020 entry – 14 th February 2020 for International and Home/EU students. October 2020 entry – 31 st July 2020 for International students and 28 th August 2020 for Home/EU studentsApplications for 2021/22 academic year will open from October 2020. Fees and fundingUK/EU Tuition Fees 2019/20Full time tuition fees: £5,300 per yearPart time tuition fees: £2,650 per yearInternational Tuition Fees 2019/20Full time tuition fees: £19,950 per yearPart time tuition fees: £9,950 per yearUK/EU Tuition Fees 2020/21Full time tuition fees: £5,550 per yearPart time tuition fees: £2,780 per yearInternational Tuition Fees 2020/21Full time tuition fees: £20,820 per yearPart time tuition fees: £10,410 per yearStudents starting their programme in 2019/20 who are eligible to pay EU fees will pay the same rate of tuition fees as UK students. This will apply for the duration of their programme, but may be subject to change by the UK Government for subsequent cohorts from 2020/21.These tuition fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King’s terms and conditions.
The process by which collective choices are made is complex and unpredictable. When it becomes necessary to anticipate the actions of governments, private citizens and corporations, those with a Master in Political Economy offer valuable analysis and direction for key decision makers.What is a Master in Political Economy? It is an advanced degree suitable for those with previous undergraduate work in political science, economics, history or business. Programs focus on the strategic reasoning of individuals and collections of people. Students thoroughly investigate the processes, motives and consequences of political choices. Topics of study include government regulations, elections, law and special interest groups. Students are also taught how political competition ultimately impacts society.A Master in Political Economy further develops students’ critical thinking and communication abilities.
They are taught the major theories of economics and political science congruently. They are able to relate the two separate disciplines to one another and draw meaningful conclusions. Students develop skill with the most current software and technology and are able to use it to collect and analyze sets of data.The total cost for a master’s program depends on the institution. Students are encouraged to contact the admissions departments of universities under consideration for more specific details about fees and tuition. Most programs will require at least two years of full time study. Students should also take into account housing, course materials and transportation costs.Graduates with a Master in Political Economy are qualified for employment in many government positions. Lobbying firms also value the abilities of these graduates, and many find work as advisors for political campaigns.
Some work as researchers or analysts in companies that compete in heavily regulated industries. Consulting work is an option for those who prefer to remain independently employed. These programs also prepare students to pursue higher levels of education. Many eventually complete a doctoral program and go on to find employment in academics.Students interested in one of these programs should begin researching their options right away.
For international students or working professionals, many online universities offer coursework that fits within scheduling and geographic limitations. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.
The master’s programme Political and Empirical Economics provides in-depth knowledge and problem-related specialisation of knowledge and skills acquired in a subject-related bachelor’s programme. Students are made familiar with state-of-the-art research, theoretical basics and empirical methodology, which they combine and learn to apply to specific problems. Building on an analytical and methodical basic module, they can either choose Political Economics (PEC) or Empirical Economics (EED) as speciality.