3 Sisters' Story - Game Boomers Walkthrough by Joe Stec3 Sisters' Story - Walkthroughby Joe StecFAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.5 -05/18/99 Created by - piku Game copyright 19?? Sakura Soft (if anyone knows the yearPLEASE tell me) The latest version of this document can always be found at GameFAQsof ContentsI IntroductionNewsII WalkthroughIII Misc. InfoIV ContributersV ContactSection I - IntroductionNewsAs you read through this walkthrough, please keep in mind that this is my first oneI have written, so it might not be top quality. So if you have something to send, don'thesitate and e-mail me.R-E-A-D-T-H-I-S-Sorry I wasn't able to respond toany e-mails, my account has been screwing up latley. But its all fixed now, and everythingis normal, so your going to need to resend your stuff. Also, I need your help.
I haven't really had the time to play the game too much so I need you guys to tell me how tocure the girls in the school. E-mail me with the solutions and I will add them as soon aspossible.Section II - WalkthroughNote: whenever I say 'look, talk, ask, and or think abouteverything' I mean that you should keep clicking the same choice untill the personsays the same thing, then move on to the next one.
Eventually you will say/see/think allthere is, and the game will continue. Don't get it? You will once you start playing:)The game starts out at the Okamura house. Look, talk, ask, and think about everything.After that, Yuki will leave. Look and think about everything.
Then Emi will appear. Look,talk, ask, and think again. Risa should then appear. Again, talk, look and think.
You willthen go to school.When you get to school, choose gohome. You will notice Emi is not around. You have to go find her. This part is apain in the ass. From what I can figure out, you have to walk around randomly untilshe finally appears. But make sure while your exploring you go to room 4-d:) I know thatthe end of the part is you have to go outside to the school yard. Think about the rackteam, then talk to them.???
Should then appear. Then go back to room 2-B. You willautomaticly leave then. If anyone have a definate way of getting past that part, pleasee-mail me.
After going to room 2-B, you will go to the park. Choose its cold and movecloser. You will then go back to their house.At the house, you will see Eiichiraping Yuki. After a bit of talking you will be back at your house. Look and think abouteverything.
You will then setup a meeting with Eiichi. Look and talk about everything.
Youwill wind up back at your house. Again think and look at everything. After that, Yuki willcall. You will then go to her house. When it comes up, choose take her. Thiswill start the first sex scene of the game.The next day starts at the Okamurahouse. Look, talk, ask, and think about everything.
You will then go to school. Again, youhave to find Emi. Go to the nurses office. Then asker her about the request.Choose ok.
Talk to her again. Keep talking to her untill she says the same thing. Then askabout Kumi. Then leave and go to the gym.When you enter the gym, talk toKumi. Talk to her a few times, then choose think about curing her.
Keep doing that untilit brings up 3 choices. It will bring up 3 more, then choose forbidden drill.When you get the chance, choose go in her(or tease if you want). It will then ask if youwant to use a condom. I dont know what the difference is so choose what you want. You willend up outside of the gym, so go back inside. Talk to Kumi, then choose your alright. NowKumi is cured (by the way you can come back and screw her as many times as you want:).Now go to the nurse.When you get to the nurse choosepresent (if the nurse isn't there, go to a different floor then come back).
Then leave thenurses office. Explore the area some more, then go to room 2-B. Emi should be there. Ifnot, go outside and try talking to everyone there.
You will then go back to her house.When you get the option, choose change clothes. When you go back to her house, choosepeek. Then, when you get the chance, looktalk, and ask about everything. Then goto downtown.
After a bunch of talking, you enter the lingerie pub. Talk, look, and askabout everything.
After some more talking, look and talk to everyone. Aftermore talking, choose lie. Choose it a few more times. You will go into the park.When you enter the park, look andlisten to them. Approach until you can't anymore. When the option comes up,choose chase.
Then choose don't move. When their done, choose chase. You will then leavethe park and go back to your house. Look and think about everything. After that the nextday will start.After talking with them, look,talk, and think about everything. You will be at school. Choose exit and go to theteachers office.
Talk to Sensei untill you leave the room. Keep talking to her and askingher stuff. After that go to the nurses office. Ask about Chie and Yuko. Thenleave and go to room 1-A.
Talk to Risa. You will go home.
After talking you will go backto the school.At the school, think, talk, andlook. Then go to the night office. Think, then peek. Keep peeking. When you can, choosetake twice. After your done, you will go back to your house.
Look and think abouteverything.The next day is Risa's birthday.Look and talk about everything. Eiichi will now come to the party. Choose to hit him.Answer the phone. You will end up in your house again. Look and think abouteverything. Risa will then come.
Look and talk to her. Choose take her.NOTE: At this point I lost some ofmy notes. The next part should be from soon after the take her part, but it might not.So your going to have to figure it out yourself untill the next part comes up.Im not exactly what your supposedto do now, just kiss and touch until put in appears. Then choose move. It willbe the next day.
Choose think a couple of times untill Yuki appears. Then look, speak,ask, and think about everything. Emi will then appear. Lookspeak, and think abouteverything.After that you will arrive atschool.
Exit the room and go to the teachers room. Talk to her untill she makes you leave.Go back to room 2-B and go home. You will then go back to your house. Look, think, and getready.
Then looks and think again. You will then go downtown. Then go to thefashion health. Choose choose, then pick Aki.
Look, speak, and think. Choose kiss andtouch untill she comes. Ask and think now. Then choose tell all when it comes up. Thenchoose ask and one other thing. You will then leave.Next, go to the lingerie pub. Look,and talk.
You should then leave. Go to the park. Keep choosing wait. Look and them, thenchoose use microphone. Then choose look.
Choose follow. Choose use and then look. You will end up at a meeting with Mana. Choose hell yes. Choose sit back andrelax.
Then choose do as she wants. Youwill then meet up with Yuki.
You goto the park. Choose tell the truth. You will go back toyour house.Emi will be there. Look and speak.Choose tell all. Now just keep choosing carress. Then choose talk.
Choose undress. Choosea couple of options untill finish comes up.
You will then be back in school.Goto the teachers office. Then show evidence. Then choose embrace twice.After that, go to room 2-B and go home. You will then go back to the park. Keep choosingthink and wait. You will then go to the Kaisan Company.NOTE: The following will be fromsomeone elses walkthrough. It be replaced by my own writing as soon as I get the chance tofinish the game myself.Look, think, speak Yuki and Risa,enter.
Go outside, think plan 2, call Nana. Search until you have the baton!! Youleave for 2nd floor.2nd Floor: Go to near right room.Rescue, Talk Koiri, ask Eiichi, Emi and ID. Search manager. Go to 3rd floor.3rd Floor: Go to far left.
Search computer 2 and guard shows up. Look Akiko 3, talk, think2, search Akiko 2, Torture, look, ask. Go to next floor.4th Floor Go to Eiichi office. Open door 2, look auto lock, look stairs, go back.Go to store room a, search.
Go tostore room b. Go to control room.
Look at room, look at monitors, search 2, operate.Leave. You should be in the office. Look at the gun, Eiichi, Emi. Talk 2, chase Eiichi.when eichi want to shoot you, choose explain. Sit back and watch the End.Section III - Misc InfoWhat to do with the condoms, anddifferent endings-If you don't use the condoms thegirls get pregnant and the nurse shows up to tell you the bad news.Also if you have sex with either ofEmi's sisters you don't get the happy ending.The best thing to do is to not havesex with Emi's sisters and to use a condom with the first three girls and then you get thehappy ending.Section IV - ContributorsHUGE thanks goes to ShadowGate for finding another walkthrough that showed me how tobeat the game(before I could get to the end then I got stuck).
The person who wrote theother one was Kevin Lucas.Another big thanks to JimMcCravey for the info about what to do with the condoms anddifferent endings.Section V-ContactYou can contact me at piku@b3d.net.Send me comments, suggestions, hate mail, contributions, questions, anything. Oh yeah, Ican't resist a free plug. PC - PSX - Dreamcast news - cheats -reviews - previewsThis walkthrough is for private use only. Distribute it as much as you want, as long asyou don't take credit for my work, and don't sell it or put it in something that willdirectly make you money. It's not like it will make you much profit anyway. Unpublishedwork Copyright 1999 Joe Stec.
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